The 2016 Pobal HP Deprivation Index
The 2016 Pobal HP Deprivation Index is the latest in a serious of deprivation indices funded by Pobal, based on the just recently released data from the 2016 Census of Population. Pobal, started at 1992, is an intermediary that works on behalf of the Irish Government to support communities and local agencies toward achieving policy goals in relation to social inclusion, reconciliation and equality. Pobal oversees the distribution of €100m per annum to local communities with the aim of alleviating poverty and promoting social inclusion.
The Index measures ten key indicators based on information contained in the 2016 census. Three dimensions of affluence/disadvantage are identified: Demographic Profile, Social Class Composition and Labour Market Situation. Demographic Profile is measured by six indicators, Social Class Composition is measured by five indicators, and Labour Market Situation is measured by three indicators. Each dimension is calculated in the same way for each census wave and then combined to form an Absolute Index Score and Relative Index Score.